The Prodigal Son
For those of you that don’t know what a parable is…it’s basically a story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson.  Throughout the New Testament, Jesus uses parables as a teaching technique.  They were...
Teal Glitter Bible Verse Facebook Post
Gratitude & Thankfulness
When you look up the words gratitude and thankfulness in the dictionary, it says that they mean essentially the same thing… “a feeling of appreciation or gratefulness for something good that has happened...
Our Illegal Deck Turned Patio
The home we purchased this year has 2 existing violations. One was for an existing wood deck that was erected 40 years ago without a permit and the second was for an oversized green house that violates...
Beauty in the Mundane
I took this picture last year after one of the few snow storms we had in Poughkeepsie, NY. It’s amazing how beautiful a simple road can look when adorned with snow. I don’t often stop to admire...
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